How to invest in crypto

Dec 15, 2023

how to invest in cryptos
how to invest in cryptos

The crypto market has started its rise.

But which cryptos to buy?

The first question that people interested in cryptos ask

is which cryptos to invest in.

Or based on what criteria?

Obviously, Bitcoin and Ethereum are essential.

But what about after that?

Let's talk about investing in L1/L2 (blockchains).

I work on 5+ projects per week.

I have discussions with many more project founders.

The blockchain that is highly recommended is Polygon (Token Matic).

Solana is hardly ever considered (lack of decentralization robustness, non-standard tech).

The macro data also does not favor Solana.

But if we compare the price of MATIC (for Polygon) and SOL (for Solana)

SOL clearly comes out on top.

In other words, even being involved in the projects, I can't predict the price of cryptos.

Even though there are obviously great projects

like Chainlink

whose crypto price is skyrocketing.

So what to do then?

My recommendation is to diversify without bias and avoid personal prejudices.

how to invest in cryptos
how to invest in cryptos
how to invest in cryptos

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