Sophie: December News

Dec 29, 2023

What are we doing in December at

After creating the Sophie Crypto Index in mid-2023, we focused our efforts on its adoption and worked on the next steps.

Our goal is to provide easily accessible, secure, and high-performing investment vehicles.

In September and October, we conducted numerous interviews with experienced crypto investors, as well as with interested investors who were not crypto experts.

We also conducted market research and analyzed studies on crypto investments.

For experienced crypto investors, our interviews and studies show that they behave like poker players, seeking significant and immediate gains.

Beginner crypto investors have several concerns: they are a bit lost and unsure about which cryptos to buy, and they are wary of the media that often reports on crypto scams.

To address the concerns of these investors, the market's response is to offer centralized solutions that provide reassurance through traditional banker profiles and accreditations (such as CASP MiCa).

At Sophie, we believe that it is possible to do better. We believe that crypto should not try to imitate traditional finance but should find its own path.

It is important to avoid multiplying intermediaries to limit risks (FTX and Madof were intermediaries), reduce fees, and ensure transparency.

To fulfill these promises, we have envisioned a Token that replicates the value of a basket of Tokens (like an ETF), directly owned by investors, easy to buy with crypto, via bank transfer or credit card, and transparent.

We began the technical development at the end of 2023 with an expert team.

We will issue an initial Token on the Polygon blockchain and offer different access options (for experts and mainstream investors) in Q1 2024.

Stay tuned

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